Mission Statement

To represent and promote the interests of our members and create a unique business environment which welcomes customers.

In 1982 the provincial government, concerned business people and community leaders saw a need for communities to be focused and competitive. A structure allowing the downtown cores to be defined as Business Improvement Areas was put in place, which became a positive force for downtown development. As a result, the BIA in Sussex was formed and incorporated under the title of the Sussex Downtown Business Association Inc., now commonly referred to as the DBA.

Funding for our many activities comes from a municipal levy imposed on non-residential properties within the BIA. Money is used to maintain, improve and beautify municipal lands and buildings to encourage business development in our area.

10 Benefits of the DBA

  1. Business cooperation for the common good.
  2. Effective action on downtown issues.
  3. More effective business/municipal partnerships.
  4. Joint promotion and marketing.
  5. A clear voice for downtown.
  6. Management of the downtown as a unit.
  7. Pooling of financial resources.
  8. Coordinated standards of design.
  9. A good framework for volunteer efforts.
  10. Greater civic pride.

    DBA Executive & Board of Directors 2000-2001

    Myles Hall

    Wendy Hughson

    Irene Lewis

    Kim Pearson

    Don Moffett
    Dave McLeod
    Sandra Ouellette
    Wayne Rice