October 2000

What’s Going On ?

Another Season



Directors Needed!

If you or anyone you know would like to join our team, please contact one of our current directors.

Myles Hall .....432-1900

Wendy Hughson .....432-5994

Irene Lewis .....433-4055

Marsha Damon .....433-5005

Don Moffett .....433-2147

Dave McLeod .....433-6543

Linda Rogers .....433-4842

Wayne Rice .....433-1070

Bill Boyce .....433-6877

We meet once per month for approximately two hours. A wonderful way to find out what is going on in your association.

Your Association Needs You!

Annual Conference

Downtown New Brunswick is pleased to present "Getting Our Promotional Act Together To Meet The Future" , this year in St. Andrew’s at the Algonquin Hotel, co-hosted by Waterfront St. Andrew’s & St. Stephen Downtown BIA.

October 26th, 27th, 28th:

Myles Hall and Leslie Johnston will be representing your "Downtown" . A limited amount of space is available to showcase "The Best That the Downtown BIAs have to Offer Each Other." If you have some brochures and/or coupons , please get them to me at the Train Station and I will be sure to present them along with other Sussex information.

Celebrate Community

The 2nd Annual community fair is being organized by the Community Inclusion Project. C.O.O.L. (Community Offering Opportunity for Life) and Jamaica/Canada (Jam/Cam) Youth Exchange program. This will be held on Saturday, October 28, 2000 at the Sussex Community Centre in Princess Louise Park from 12pm - 5 PM. The main reason for having this event is to bring all members of the community together, including those who are often marginalized, such as seniors and people with intellectual and physical disabilities. It is hoped that the fair will build community spirit via the inclusion of everyone, regardless of any differences in age or ability.

The fair will be fun for community people of all ages, with a lot of activities and displays. Jamaican food, dance and music will be presented as well as games and activities. It will be a high energy day with colorful and creative booths. This is an excellent opportunity for your group/organization to raise awareness as well as funds. A small fee of five dollars per booth is required to cover our cost. Any profits from booth fees and entrance fees will be donated to Crosswinds (for activities for people with disabilities) and C.O.O.L. (To help develop youth centre). Any fund-raising revenue from the booths will be kept by the sponsoring organization. Some suggestions for booth include: bake sale, silent auction, magic demonstrations, games of chance and skill, pony rides- use your imagination! If you require more ideas, give us a call.

Contact Linda Goggin Phone : 433-2999

Fax: 432-7510

or e-mail [email protected] or [email protected]

Please let them know by October 20,2000 if you a re interested in participating.

Cancer Telethon


November 4, 2000

6:00-10:00 PM

Princess Louise Community Centre

Grand Prize

An escape Weekend for two at any city Hotel in new Brunswick


NO Admission Fee, Donations Accepted




Pledges can be paid in person at the Centre or at Bayview Credit Union (official receipts will be issued).

PERFORM, VOLUNTEER, OR PLEDGE Contact: Lori or George Horton 432-6542

All proceeds will support programs such as Cancer Research, Education, Patient Services and advocacy for healthy public policy.

Shopping Bags

Many of our members have expressed an interest in having plastic shopping bags made available to them at a reasonable cost and in manageable quantities.

The bags would carry our Train Station logo and say "Shop Downtown Sussex".

We are finalizing details Watch closely for this exciting program to start ! Another benefit of membership.


And we don’t mean exceptional or wonderful!

We have a few outstanding accounts with our members for the flower box campaign and the promotional publication ...............Success of these and other programs depends on you. If you owe your association some money, please pay right away. Future promotion of your business will depend on this.

We sincerely thank all of the members who did pay in a timely fashion. Thank you.