Traveling Guitar

Sussex Downtown

 2nd Annual

Country Music Festival Guitar

 Goes to Florida!


As the Guitar made the rounds, during the Sussex Downtown 2nd Annual Country Music Festival, The SDBA had the privilege of having it signed by NB hall of Famers, Hazel Marie Robertson and Clayton MaGee, as well as Darren McGinnis, quickly becoming known as NB’s next rising star.  The guitar was also signed by the Minister of Tourism Joan McAlpine, who attended many events of the festival over the weekend.  The guitar idea was inspired by Dave Stewart-Backstage Music Store and it really took off sparking a lot of interest with ticket sales.  The draw was held for the guitar on Sunday night at the closing Country Gospel performance at the High School Theater.  To top it off the winner of this year’s festival guitar is Fred Henderson, who was born in Sussex, but moved to Florida 60 years ago.  Mr. Henderson usually returns to Sussex each year from Aug to Oct.  This year he returned early and was able to take in some of the events of the festival and purchase a ticket on the Guitar.  The SDBA is elated the guitar will go out of country in promotion of the festival and look forward to see where the festival guitar will travel to next year.