Sussex New Brunswick Downtown Business Association 

Sussex Downtown
Business Association

"Business helping Business" 

Karen Black
General Manager
tel (506) 433-6490   fax (506) 433-5860


Welcome to Downtown Sussex.  Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere, and FREE PARKING! 


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"Business helping Business" 


Sussex Downtown Business Association 5 Year Strategic Plan Study

The success and vitality of downtowns in New Brunswick is partly dependant on the quality

of planning that goes into their activities.  A vision and long range strategic plan is the

logical step in securing a bright future for our downtown and help facilitate positive change

in our community.  For this reason the Sussex Downtown Board of Directors initiated proceedings to develop a 5 Year Strategic Plan Study.  This study encompasses the

Sussex Central Business District.  Funding partners for this initiative included the SDBA,

The Town of Sussex, Downtown New Brunswick, The Department of Post Secondary

Education Training & Labour. 

A steering committee was been formed to oversee the Strategic Plan Study.  The members were:  His Worship Mayor Ralph Carr, Town of Sussex, SDBA President Donald A Dobbin, SDBA Vice President, George B Smith, Executive Director for Enterprise Fundy, Frank Tenhave, Post Secondary Education Training & Labour, Brian Ferris, SDBA Property Owner Representative, Pat MacMullin, SDBA General Manager, Karen Black.  Chairman of the Steering committee was George B Smith.


The study is now complete and has been formerly filed with the Town of Sussex.  The study was presented to the general public and members of the Sussex Downtown Business Association at the SDBA Annual general Meeting on May 7th, 2009.  


To view the Study Click on the Link Below: 


         Strategic Plan Study 09










Sussex Downtown Waterfront Park & Bridge

Completion of this project would see a walking bridge built across Trout Creek, connecting Princess Louise Park with the Downtown-This project is ongoing. 

Downtown Beautification Projects   

Since the formation of the Association in 1983, The Sussex Downtown Business Association in partnership with the Town of Sussex, various grants and programs like the COP and the Environmental Trust Fund towards physical improvements in the downtown. 

Projects have included: Placing Electrical Wires underground, New Facia on Downtown Buildings, New Sidewalks, Elliot Park Upgrade, Replacement of Lamp Posts, Banners and Flags, Parking Upgrades, Traffic Lights...

The Sussex Downtown Business Association has purchased 5 ft and 2ft flower boxes available for the membership to use for the purpose of a uniform scheme of window boxes throughout the downtown.  The 2 ft boxes are removable. If you are a business and would like to use one, please contact the office. 


Kings East Development Partnership

The Sussex Downtown Business Association is a Full Partner.


  • Sussex Area Guide


The Sussex Downtown Business Association Contributes a Representative to the following:

  • The Sussex Historic Places Initiative (Town of Sussex) - Susan Mertinat

  • Sussex Town Council Planning committee - Donald A Dobbin

  • Kings East Development Partnership - Susan Mertinat

  • Downtown New Brunswick Board of Directors- Karen Black - Secretary